Week 7 Blog After studying the body, this week we learned all about the mind and how it works. We studied memory, consciousness, and overall whether machines are hindering our intelligence or helping it. Consciousness is a huge mystery and so we indulged in studying how artists process this field of neuroscience that is constantly expanding. http://www.bbc.com/future/tags/neuroscience With the invention of the microscope and the discovery of electricity, we were able to research where the brain begins. Two very important researchers from this topic were Roman y Cajal and Franz Joseph Gall because they were critical in showing how the brain actually looks and works. Franz Joseph Gall believed the brain was physically developed according to its use and began the practice of phrenology which is the determination of an individual's potential by feeling bumps on the head. Ramon y Cajal pioneered the investigation of the microscopic structure of the brain and is considered the ...